Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails
Friends of Scandia Parks and Trails is a volunteer organization dedicated to protecting and enhancing the parks, trails, open space and natural areas in the City of Scandia. We are involved in our community in many ways.
Park Stewardship
Butterfly Garden at Lilleskogen Park. Partnership with local 4-H group to install pollinator planting at city park, work with Eagle Scouts on park signage. Trail improvements and exotic brush removal at Wind in the Pines.
City Policy
Wildlife Friendly Mowing City Ordinance. Pollinator Friendly City Initiative. Initiation of Scandia as a Green Step City.
Trail planning and development
Development of bike routes in the city of Scandia.
Community Engagement
Free community presentations on wide ranging topics including local geology and rural landscaping as well as monarch butterfly ecology. Guided nature hikes at local parks and state scientific and natural areas.
Contact 651.433.5254