You love your pooch but its poo is an environmental pollutant—so much so that the EPA has put it in the same category as herbicides and insecticides; oil, grease and toxic chemicals.Read More
Forty-two ways to green your neighborhood: just plant a new tree Lee, sweep up the salt Walt, pick up your dog’s poo Lu, and set yourself free.Read More
As daylight transitions to nighttime “electric daylight,” the cosmos above never fully reveal themselves to most of us. According to the article, The End of Night, in the digital journal, aeon, “More than 60 per cent of the world, and fully 99 per cent of the U.S. and Europe, lives under a yellowy sky polluted...Read More
You love your pooch but its waste is an environmental pollutant—so much so that the EPA has put it in the same category as herbicides and insecticides; oil, grease and toxic chemicals. Always bag it up and throw it in the trash (or flush it down the toilet if you have petit pooch poo and...Read More
Did you know that unused medicines flushed down the toilet cannot be fully removed by our water treatment facilities? According to Scientific American (“External Medicine: Discarded Drugs May Contaminate 40 MillionRead More